Frequent interruptions in the power supply can damage equipment, cause lost productivity, and have a significant impact on revenue. In some cases, it can even risk life. By having a backup power system, you can cut down on this risk. But, to make it count, you must get your load bank properly tested and maintained. There are some key considerations when you hire a load bank.
Businesses rely on the power supply to continue their operations. Hence, having backup power is very crucial. To resolve this issue, the use of a load bank is the most appropriate choice. A load bank is a device that is used to generate an electrical load. It is used to support, protect, or test a critical backup source of power and make sure it fits your purpose properly.
Should I buy or hire?
When you require specifying a load bank, the first decision you need to make is whether to buy or hire the device. For this, you need to consider your total number of generators present on-site and how frequently you need to test them. For use in hospitals or data centres, where power supply is critical, the best option is to go with load banks. However, for those who require to run testing at set intervals, or businesses that are small and have neither the technical expertise nor space, rental is the best option to go with.
What type of load bank do I require?
Depending on the applications involved, the use of the type of load bank varies.
Resistive - This is the most common type of load bank, which offers a stimulated electrical load for backup power systems and generators. They perform through mimicking the operational load, which usually gets handled by a power source in actual usage. Also, keep in mind that this type of load bank only makes up a small proportion of the total consumption of power.
Resistive/reactive - It combines both reactive and resistive elements as a load bank package. It can also be switched to enable a resistive load bank. Mainly, this system is used for testing the generator.
Hope, you have understood the things to know while hiring a load bank. If you like this blog, don’t forget to share it with your friends, and give thumbs up!