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What are the Working Principles of Resistive Load Banks?

· Loadbank

Load banks are tools to simulate electric load. When the loads are too heavy to carry by an ordinary load bank, a resistive load bank comes to the operation. It's well functioning because the load is divided or stored safely inside the resistive loadbank. Know how a resistive load bank works and what are its advantages. 

Types Of Resistive Load Banks

Resistive load banks are very widely used. There are a wide variety of options when it comes to a resistive load bank. The most common types of resistive load banks include:

● AC large portable 

● AC medium/high voltage

● AC trailer Mounted

● AC small portable

● DC portable

● AC stationery

● AC medium or high voltage 

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What is The Resistive Load Banks

A load bank is a piece of test equipment that helps simulate a load of electricity. You have to connect it to the power source. There is no need to connect it to the average operating load. UPS, diesel generators, or any electricity-generating component can be the power source. The load banks simulate the average functional load. The actual demand of the load is replicated, and the bank assists in configuring the power source. Load banks have heavy-duty resistors. It helps dissipate the energy in the form of heat. Water or air utilization aims at cooling the device. Electric generators are for the areas where the power grid is not available. 

Loadbanks help generators keep going and provide their maximum output. Load banks are different in their names. The names are solely given based on their type of work. There are:

● Inductive load bank

● Resistive load bank

● Capacitive load bank

Resistive Loadbank's Function

Resistive load banks allow you to taste the power source or generator at their 100% capacity. The fundamental property is to resist the energy and turn the electrical energy by dissipating in the form of heat. Adjoined with cooling fans, the resistive load banks possess wire resistance. 

The size of the resistive load bank varies according to its utility. These tools are both mounted and movable. 

Application Of Resistive Load Banks

There are a wide variety of applications of a resistive load bank. From portable units to stationary mounted, resistive load banks have much utility. It can test hundreds of megawatts' power sources. A DC mobile unit is applied to test the power source of DC batteries, UPS, or generators. There are AC portable units as well. 

So, when you decide to hire loadbank, know its utility. The professionals strictly operate both commercial and residential use. Residential use usually takes place before an event at home.